Monday, March 14, 2016

Begin again

Begin Again...

Hello my lovelies! Today was an awesome day! It's really true what they say. No matter what, as long as you're still breathing it's never too late to begin again. Cait caught me and said "Hey try this pose!" ... I gotta say, I love it! I hope you enjoy today's post! 

In this pic -

Hair - Truth - Grande - Black and Whites - Truth 
Skin - Glam Affair - Livia (For Catwa) - Jamaica - March C88
Body, Hands, Feet - Maitreya - Lara - Maitreya
Dress - Blueberry - Alissa - Maitreya Fit (NEW)-  Blueberry
Shoes - ::ROC:: Lace Up Heel - Maitreya - ::ROC:: Shoes 
Pose - {Cait's Poses} - Begin Again - {Cait's Poses} 

     * TMP- Deluxe Body
* Head- TMP- head Fierce (Deluxe)
* Skin- THESKINSHOP (19) (SKIN) 'Zen' (Athletic)
* Eyebrows- 'Arched' (black)
*Shape- R.icielli- LUKE Shape (Modified) Ricielli 
* Eyes- IKON "Sunrise' eyes- Light Incan Gold   IKON 
*Shirt & Hat - Mesh Sean John Dream Big - UNDER-RATED
*Pants - G I O M E N - Rex Trousers - GIOMEN


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